Su Yukang

Science and Technology are my strongest faith.

| Research

A fast surface-defect detection method based on Dense-Yolo network

      To improve the performance of surface defect detection methods based on deep learning in practical applications, we propose a fast surface defect detection network called the Dense-Yolo network, which combines the strengths of DenseNet and YOLOv3.

Research on multi-layer space evacuation control strategy based on meta cellular automata

      In this project,  we built a two-story evacuation assistance system to observe the pedestrian information in order to solve the evacuation problem. Based on the observed information, the evacuation assistance system proposes a simple switch-based density control algorithm to adjust the guidance signal of the guidance assistance system dynamically.

Quadcopter design (UAV)

     We made a quadcopter (UAV) that can be used for cargo transportation, capable of clamping, transporting, and dropping cargo. Finally, we award the 2nd Prize in the China Undergraduate Engineering Training Comprehensive Ability Competition in the Fujian area in 2021.